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Holistic Life Coach, Reiki Master & Mentor

Soul ascension is our sole intention… as individuals we are all here on a life long journey of self-discovery, but sometimes need a helping hand along the way. At Soul Ascension it is our aim to assist our clients with their self-development needs in a way that will empower them to change their lives and sustain any changes they may make while working with us. 


One of the biggest obstacles people face is trying to live a balanced and progressive life, even though they may be carrying a lifetime of pain and unresolved issues.


In order for us to achieve the best possible results with you, it is important that we focus on ALL major areas of self-development and also address any other areas of concern, which we will work with you to determine in the initial consultancy.


We operate with the highest integrity and client confidentiality is upheld at all times. Unlike clinical practitioners of psychotherapy, we use a more spiritual and holistic approach, which tends to create a more comfortable environment for our clients to work in.



A Japanese healing technique where the practitioner connects to the universal healing energy around him/her and channels it into the client’s body. This speeds up the body’s natural healing process and expands healing potential. This can be done by touch, by hovering hands over the client or even remotely (Long distance healing). Reiki helps to relieve stress, alleviate anxiety, align the chakras, remove energetic blockages and help the client to reach a place of internal peace, which makes healing trauma and addressing areas of development a lot easier. Depending on the needs of the client, Reiki can be applied every day or as and when the client feels they need it.


The main aim of our mentoring is to support, inspire, motivate, empower, encourage and enlighten our clients. This is done in a no-nonsense manner, in order to ensure our clients understand the seriousness of seeing their shadow work through. We understand that there comes a point in everyone’s life where they would benefit from some advice and guidance. In those moments we aim to be that support system for our clients. 


If you are feeling lost, stressed, anxious, emotionally and spiritually drained or if you simply want to work on yourself and elevate your level of consciousness, our style of mentoring will assist your journey. We focus on turning weaknesses into challenges, trauma into lessons and help our clients to develop a perception of themselves and life that will leave them feeling as though they have more control of their lives and destiny.


Oracle cards are used during mentoring sessions. This will give us a deeper insight to where our client’s energy is on a spiritual level, which in turn aids us in advising and guiding our clients on the best way to move forward. The oracle cards will help us to get a general idea of which areas should get immediate attention moving forward.



Tarot cards are used in the same way as the oracle cards. The difference is the depth that can be reached when using them during a mentoring session. Tarot cards will only be used upon request or if the matter at hand requires more specific and focused guidance.

"You will not know your strength, until being strong is your only option!"

Kaya "Nuun" Emmanuel

Reiki Treatments

One To One Reiki Session

One on one sessions are conducted in 2 ways.

  1. The Practitioner makes physical contact.

  2. No physical contact is made, instead the practitioner hovers his/her hands over the recipient.


Both techniques of delivery will be performed with the recipient laying on a secure table. 

Before the practitioner begins working on the recipient, there will be a short discussion where a number of questions will be asked. This will help the practitioner to meet the needs of the recipient. For example; headaches, stress, depression, aches and pains are common reasons for people seeking Reiki. When the practitioner knows of any areas needing more attention, this can be applied.

Each session will last 60 minutes. It will include a 10 minute consultancy, chakra balancing/alignment and full body Reiki.

Face To Face Sessions 


Long Distance Reiki

Distance healing is when the practitioner connects to the universal healing energy around us and sends it to the recipient, wherever they may be. In order for this to be conducted affectively, the recipient must provide the practitioner with a Recent Picture of themselves, along with their Date Of Birth.

The practitioner will then ask the recipient to ask their guardian angels to allow them to receive the healing energy from the practitioner. The practitioner will also conduct a prayer for permission, before starting the healing process.

Before receiving distant healing, it is recommended for the recipient to be freshly bathed and smudged with sage or Palo Santo. If unable to smudge with the following, bathing with sea salt will suffice.

Once applied, the recipient will receive Reiki for 24 hours. The practitioner will set the intention of the healing before sending the energy to you.


MIKAO USUI Reiki Courses

We are now carefully accepting requests to train people to become Reiki practitioners and masters. To complete the training will require the completion of levels 1, 2 and master level.


Each training day is delivered in a seven-hour training session, followed by self-healing and working on other people before advancing to the next level.



Course requirements

Level 1 – One day of training, followed by 21 days of self-healing. (£190)


Level 2 – One day of training, followed by 21 days of self-healing and practicing on 3 people. (£230)


Master Level – One day of training to be completed AFTER 6 months of practicing at level 2. (£475)


Holistic Life Coach & Mentoring Services


30 Minute Phone Session
Oracle Card Reading


Oracle Card Reading
30 Minute Phone Session
Reiki Distance Healing



Oracle Card Reading
1 Hour Phone Session
Reiki Distance Healing





  • Nine 30 Minute phone sessions

  • 3 Oracle Card Readings

  • Nine days of Reiki Distance Healing

  • Nine days of all-round Advice and guidance  





All sessions to be conducted in a mutual and safe environment, where all relevant parties can communicate safely and openly.

£100 per hour

Sensual Massage and Sound Healing

£150 Per Hour

Mr L

Very insightful and thought provoking. Helped me to identify subconscious barriers that I didn't even know existed, and more importantly, the power in tackling them. I reached out for this service to help me develop professionally. I managed to get a clarity that was actually beyond my expectations. I've since secured a senior position at work as a direct result. Would definitely recommend, and plan to use again as a proactive tool to continue professional self development

Miss B

I had my first consultation & Reiki healing with Kaya in 2016. I had been suffering with severe pain & headaches from a serious accident that year. I was open to finding a healer, as I had exhausted clinical options. Reiki has really supported me and been key in my rehabilitation to gently find healing and slowly get my life back on track and manage the challenges i was experiencing.
It also assisted me mentally & spiritually fine tuned me really helped me vibrationally to look at my life's journey. This reiki practitioner is very powerful at what he does and I'm most grateful and honoured that i have also been inspired to go on to learn and certify as a reiki healer myself.

Until you have your own experience with reiki words can't quite explain it to be honest.

Mrs K

I highly recommend Soul Ascension Services, I have never engaged with anyone like this. I had my first session and straight away I felt so much lighter.

Kaya really helped me have so much more clarity, and really gave me the right tools that I need to continue with my development.

Kaya, I can’t thank you enough for your energy and what you do. I am really really looking forward to the next stage when I come back to you for the 9 day course. Thank you so much 🌟

Kaya Emmanuel 
Holistic Life Coach, Reiki Master & Healer

My name is Kaya Emmanuel, but I also go by the name of 'Nuun" which was given to me when I joined the Ancient Egyptian Order Of Melchezidek, in 2009.

I am a youth worker, a mentor, a life-coach, activist and a Reiki Master/Teacher.

One of my strengths is being able to connect to the people with whom I engage, which makes giving advice, guidance and healing a lot more effective. It also enables me to go straight to the root of the problem, which is how I'm able to help my clients to progress in such a short space of time.

I started my journey of enlightenment and self-discovery at the young age of 7. This path lead me to the exploration of religion, spirituality, metaphysics, psychology, healing systems, martial arts, holistic health care and more.

I have an extensive background in special needs, youth work, anger management, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, mindfulness, family mediation, health care and fitness. I combine my experience and skills to create a bespoke service for each of my clients. Healing the spiritual body, the emotional body and the physical body simaultaneously will always create the desired outcomes. This is why the combination of Reiki and mentoring is so powerful.


Workshops For Schools

Since the rise in knife crime, we have been delivering workshops in schools, around different areas of concern. Through working in different schools we were able to notice a culture that seems to be a part of them. Where pupils were underachieving for the same reasons. This is what inspired the continuation of the following workshops.

  • On a knife's edge. (Tackles youth violence)

  • Change your mind. (Mindfulness)

  • Direction Selection. (Addresses life choices, self-development and life purpose.

There are other workshops available and we are able to tailor workshops to meet the needs of each school we support. This can be discussed in your initial meeting.






£430 Per Day

Mentoring In Schools

Mentoring is available for 11-19 year olds. The initial assessment will help us to ascertain the needs of each young person we work with. The main areas of focus are as follows. 


  • Motivation               

  • Emotions

  • Self-Belief                 

  • Family            

  • Home

  • Anger                    

  • Relationships

  • Communication      

  • Crime

  • Life-Purpose             

  • Creativity

  • Confidence               

  • Employment            

  • Morals and Values

  • Self-Esteem              

  • Gang Culture

A mentor can be available to deliver 20 minute 1-1 mentoring sessions to each pupil selected for the support. One of our mentors can conduct around 10 mentoring sessions each day.






£340 Per Day

Resettlement Programme For Offenders

We have strategically selected 20 main areas of development for each participant of the programme. Successful development of these areas will form an improved character, work ethic and moral foundation which accommodates and supports further development of each young person, even after completion of the programme.

  • Motivation               

  • Emotions

  • Self-Belief                 

  • Family

  • Spirituality                

  • Home

  • Anger                         

  • Relationships

  • Communication      

  • Crime

  • Life-Purpose             

  • Creativity

  • Incarceration           

  • Freedom

  • Confidence               

  • Redemption

  • Employment            

  • Morals and Values

  • Self-Esteem              

  • Re-Offending

This programme is to be delivered as a course of twenty 1-1 mentoring sessions. Each session lasting 60 minutes. Depending on the initial assessment, certain areas will be given more attention than others.

From £520 Per Day

Family Mediation

The root of a number of our household problems tends to be a breakdown in communication. Whether it's the children not communicating with the parents or the parents being unable to overcome barriers their children have raised. Family mediation is the best way to resolve most of these issues at home, while also improving the level of communication between your family.

Family mediation is a good way for all family members to be able to express themselves in a safe space without worrying about confrontational behaviour.

Working through problems and issues as a family is the best way to strengthen bonds and improve the home environment, which of course supports healthy minds and personal development, in every way. As well as family discussions, it is important to cover the healing needs of your family too.

£100 Per Hour


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Due to the nature of this work, there is a no refund policy in place, once the service has been discussed and the agreed payment has been made. Failing to attend appointment/s without a reasonable explanation or notice, will result in the customer's fee being forfeited.

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